
Healthcare Entrepreneurs Rising

Healthcare Entrepreneurs Rising

Pallav Sharda is a healthcare entrepreneur with more than a decade of experience in health information technology. Pallav put that experience to work creating insights for his book, "Before Disrupting Healthcare: What Innovators Need to Know." He went Inside the Founder's Studio to talk about the book, as well as entrepreneurship in health, and much more in our wide-ranging discussion.

Notes from the CEO: September 2016

Notes from the CEO: September 2016

It was a busy summer across all of CTC's fantastic initiatives. From the Clean Acres tour of Silver Spring's San Jose HQ to our CalCISO DC Summit, to the CBIA roadshow with "California Tool Works," to the launch of BioCalifornia, we kept everything moving.

CalCISO Visits the Beltway

CalCISO Visits the Beltway

CalCISO held its annual trip to Washington on August 30th and 31st, bringing together a range of leaders from the public and private sectors in a new Summit held at Tyson's Corner. The agenda featured a distinguished lineup that included two White House representatives, two former undersecretaries of Defense, a former undersecretary of Homeland Security, and a former undersecretary of Commerce.